Medical & Dental
A variety of medical and dental resources are available if related specifically to the consumer’s developmental disability. These include referral information for health practitioners and specialty physicians such as neurologists, who are generic providers with practices in the communities we serve or surrounding areas. There are also health professionals vendored by ELARC to provide specialized medical services for our consumers. Additionally, there is an extensive array of generic oral health resources such as dentists, orthodontists, and dental clinics in Los Angeles County, from our Oral Health Resource Directory, in addition to vendored dental providers who have additional expertise in working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Information regarding available mental health and other therapeutic services, such as occupational and speech therapy, can also be provided.
(4/7/22) California launched a statewide effort to help Medi-Cal beneficiaries keep their Medi-Cal coverage or be enrolled in other coverage. During the national public health emergency (PHE), the annual reevaluation of ongoing eligibility was temporarily paused to ensure vulnerable Californians had ongoing access to health coverage. The PHE has ended, the state resumed Medi-Cal eligibility operations and the annual eligibility review. As a result of that process, two to three million beneficiaries could no longer be eligible for Medi-Cal. The state, along with its partners, is engaging in a comprehensive campaign to reach beneficiaries with information about what to expect and what they need to do to keep their health coverage.
DHCS has launched a customizable Medi-Cal Continuous Coverage toolkit and webpage to help trusted entities and individuals act as DHCS Coverage Ambassadors to push communications to Medi-Cal beneficiaries to encourage them to update their contact information with their counties to ensure they receive important information about keeping their Medi-Cal coverage.
California Children’s Services
Child Health and Disability Prevention Program
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program